In Utah News

Clyde Companies: Championing Women While Leading the Way

Jan. 17 2023

Clyde Companies is one of the largest privately-owned enterprises in Utah, spanning the construction, concrete, aggregates, building materials, land development, and insurance industries. It owns and supports the needs of eight subsidiary organizations, including WW Clyde, Geneva Rock, Sunroc, IHC Scott, Sunpro, GWC Capital, Bridgesource, and Beehive Insurance.

The company is proud to be involved in nearly every aspect of building and construction in Utah and the surrounding states for almost a century. Clyde Companies has the vision to be the most respected partner in our industry for another 100 years. From project start to completion, it provides the infrastructure products and services to keep the Intermountain West growing.

Clyde Companies strives to build a reputation as solid as the concrete it produces by proudly supporting the individuals, schools, charities, and businesses in the communities it calls home by giving time, materials, and monetary donations. It is committed to its mission of Building a Better Community, mission-driven by its core values of “We Value People,” “Our Word is Our Bond,” “We Continuously Improve,” and “Always Give a Full Measure.”

Committed to Empowering Women

Named one of Utah’s 100 Companies Championing Women by the Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity (GOEO), Clyde Companies strongly believes in empowering women in the workplace.

“Clyde Companies is truly committed to empowering women in business, and this honor demonstrates that commitment,” said Jeremy Hafen, president of Clyde Companies. “We support multiple women’s initiatives throughout the organization and will continue to look for additional ways to champion women in each of our subsidiary companies.”

Women-First Initiatives

Research shows organizations thrive when both men and women have leadership roles, innovation is enhanced, and profits increase. While still a work in progress, the company  understands this disparity and is committed to doing something about it:

  1. Leadership pledged to hire more women into leadership roles and has demonstrated this by the recent hiring of Ally Isom in a newly created position as vice president and chief strategy and marketing officer.
  2. Clyde Companies has taken the ElevateHER Challenge from the Women’s Leadership Institute (WLI). The challenge includes a commitment to increase the percentage of women in senior leadership positions and the retention rate of women at all levels of the organization, including the Board of Directors. It also challenges the company to monitor pay by gender and close any gaps, enhance leadership development programs for women, and urge women to run for public office.
  3. Women at Clyde Companies participated in the WLI’s Career Development Series. The program helps women improve transferable skills, build resiliency in the workplace, build high-trust relationships, maximize potential, and strategize to rise to senior levels, among many other things.
  4. An Employee Resource Group was formed in April 2022 to support women’s career development at Clyde Companies. Women of Clyde Companies come together once a month to learn and share important resources. The group occasionally brings in outside speakers to discuss leadership development and empowering women in the workplace. 
  5. Each year, Clyde Companies highlights women during Women in Construction Week through a social media campaign and a video campaign featuring women in various roles within the construction industry to celebrate women in the field and attract more to the company.
  6. Throughout the year, women and men are highlighted in features on company websites that discuss their life stories and how they got started in the business.

Clyde Companies continually strives to improve its initiatives and exposure for women, helping them advance to higher positions and enhance their overall skillsets, ensuring they are empowered within the organization.

Clyde Companies – 100 Companies Championing Women

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