In Utah, small businesses are an essential part of our economic lifeline. Utah small businesses comprise 99% of all companies in the state. The number of individuals employed by Utah small businesses is 46% of all workers in the state.
When we support Utah small businesses, we support Utah entrepreneurs, their workers and all of their families. Nearly 70% of a dollar spent in a Utah small business stays in Utah.
During the pandemic, when many are struggling to pay bills, provide adequate food for their families and stay healthy, it’s more important than ever for Utahns to support local businesses.
That’s why, in July, the Legislature tasked Go Utah with administering the COVID-19 Impacted Businesses Grant Program, known as Shop In Utah. This grant program helped support businesses and provided discounts to consumers. Although the grant program is closed now, more than $64 million in Shop In Utah grants were delivered to Utah small businesses to help keep their doors open.